September 5, 2016

Continued success and growth at Equilibrium

by admin in Paint, Solvents

With this summer’s economic uncertainty, Equilibrium have shrugged off any concerns with expansion in all divisions; especially in our Solvents Division.

As part of our continued success with our Solvents Division headed by Alan Bellamy, Equilibrium are proud to announce that Mark Jenkins will be joining our sales team as of the 3rd October 2016. Mark brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise with him in the sales and marketing of specialty solvents as he joins this rapidly growing division.

Another one of Alan’s divisions that is experiencing continued growth is our Paint Division.  Equilibrium have agreed a partnership with Wörwag, and have been awarded our first basecoat at Magna Sybex.

Our waterborne base coat, Melting Silver, will be used on Mini bumpers and spoilers from September 2016.

Melting Silver, is one of the biggest production colours; so as a business we are very proud of this initial success.